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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Oscar 2019 Best Picture is Up for Grabs

This is the first time - in a very long time - that I've seen the guilds so fractured in voting for the Oscar Best Picture.
The producers chose Green Book, the directors chose Roma (but of course, because of Alfonso Cuaron), the writers chose two movies which are not even nominated for Best Picture, while the cinematographers and editors chose The Favourite and Bohemian Rhapsody.
The biggest branch - the actors - picked Black Panther.
There is no general consensus that's why it is going to be a thrilling ride this Monday.
How would the other guilds vote?
Well, the music branch will most likely choose either A Star is Born or Bohemian Rhapsody.
The costumers and set designers would most likely choose The Favourite.
The visual effects branch will most likely opt for Black Panther.
And there's more - the BAFTA - the British voters - chose Roma for Best Picture and The Favourite for Best British film.
But obviously, when push comes to shove, the British might vote for one of their own - The Favourite.
The Latino voters may opt for Roma - since the movie is in Spanish and set in Mexico.
The LGBT voters can opt for Bohemian Rhapsody, The Favourite, Green Book or A Star if Born, courtesy of Lady Gaga - who has a considerable LGBT following.
Finally, the African-American voters can pick either BlackKklansman or Black Panther.
I have a feeling this would be the year where the winner won't get 50% of the total 7000 Academy voters because there's a movie that represents each of the diverse backgrounds of the voters.
As for me, it's a toss between Roma or Bohemian Rhapsody - the art house favorite or the public's favorite?
Should I be snooty or should I go pedestrian this year......

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