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Monday, March 25, 2019

Book Review: Chris Kenry's 'Confessions of a Casanova

I feel lucky if I read one or two gay fiction books a year. It's just that there aren't too many sold here - and usually - the movie version comes first - before the book becomes popular (Call Me By Your Name and Love Simon).
I would rather prefer reading the book first then see what Hollywood has done about it.
Anyhow Chris Kenry's Confessions of a Casanova details very well how a goodlooking gay man would act - at least the sexually active type.
I like the way the main character has no issues about sex or making out or hooking up which I encounter so much nowadays among young gay millennials.
The story is set in Denver, Colorado (the second time I meet this setting this year - Cold Pursuit the movie - was the first one), but it flies abroad to Denmark - of all places - as one of the main characters is Danish.
The main character is definitely sluttier than me in my real life - and it's amazing he just gets boys and tosses them after getting bored with them.
I've seen that happen and as in real life and as in fiction - it leads to a sad existence - an emptiness I guess once the thrill of chasing the boy wears off.
In a way, the book is as masculine toxic as you can get. Yeah, gay people can have toxic masculinity as well.
Who wants a faggotty acting boyfriend anyway - everyone loves their bf to be butch - or move like a straight man - so definitely the irony of that is not lost on the author.
This is a book though of redemption and true love which the main character eventually finds after being whacked on the head by everyone else.
It's the classic -'why are you looking around for true love when he's been right in front of you all your life' - type of story.

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